Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Zentangle Challenge

Can't resist a challenge!  See this BLOG for information about a weekly challenge if you are 'into' Zentangle!  Snow and cold tend to keep a body inside more than usual so what better way to while away a couple of hours than creating art?

Please click to enlarge


  1. Very nice, A4A! I love the playful lettering across the top. The whole piece has a lovely, organic, growing feel to it. (And it frames just beautifully against that jacquard fabric too! Serendipity?) What a fun piece this is. I ♥ seeing all the different tangle games we're playing with these challenges! :-)

  2. I first thought...this is really pretty but it's much more than that...it's organic as Kit says and has a life of its own.

  3. Ooh! lovely contribution! i love the "Double Double"! (That's Coffee where i come from) ;)

  4. Many thanks for these enthusiastic comments - so cheering! ~Susan

  5. Very nice! Double, double makes me think of Macbeth's witches stirring their pot of brew...double double toil and trouble!
